Research which underpins our The People Profession: now and for the future strategy and represents part of our journey to define what it will take for the HR profession of the future to meet its full potential to champion better work and working lives – for the benefit of individuals, businesses, economies and society.

This report is intended for HR practitioners at all levels. There is a critical role for the HR profession of the future to play, by developing its expertise in human and organisation behaviour and using that to help create business solutions that have lasting benefits for all stakeholders. It is also intended to help HR professionals develop their ability to uphold ethical values in the organisation.

The study explores the factors shaping professional and organisational identity in different work contexts, and looks at whether these factors influence ethical practice. Based on survey data of HR, IT and teaching professionals in the UK, it provides insight into the role that professionals play within their organisational contexts, and what enables them to make principled decisions.

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